2022 Registration Information

We offer the best value for money registration fees in the Football Brisbane competition. Why can we do this? We can do this because we have a hard-working group of volunteers- groundsmen, canteen operators, cleaners, facilities operations, coaches, managers and sports trainers- who put in a huge amount of volunteer time which in turn saves enormous amounts of money for our club.

We are also fortunate to have a core group of sponsors who assist us greatly with our bottom line and thus subsidise to some extent the cost of registration.

As we enter into our eigth year as a re-birthed Football Brisbane club, we are committed to providing quality football services to our players at budget rates.

As a result of football reforms in this state, governing body fees have been reduced which, in turn, has allowed us to pass on these savings to our members.

2022 Registration Fees

  • Senior Mens and Womens (FQPL and Metro Leagues) - Total Cost $520 (includes club polo, shorts and socks)
  • A late fee of $30 applies if full payment is not made by the end of February
  • Full time students will receive a further subsidy of $50 off their fees
  • A loyalty discount of $50 is available for players who have been with the club for five years or more
  • Over 35s Men - Total Cost $400 (includes club polo, shorts and socks)
  • A late fee of $30 applies if full payment is not made by the end of February

  • Junior Girls Divisional - Total Cost $450 (includes club polo, shorts and socks)
  • Mini Roos Under 6/7 - Total Cost $330 (includes playing shirt, shorts and socks)
  • Mini Roos Under 8-12 - Total Cost $350 (includes playing shirt, shorts and socks)
  • For Juniors/Mini Roos a sibling discount of $50 applies for each successive child
  • All players/parents are required to contribute five hours of voluntary service to the club in any capacity

This covers:

  • Membership of North Brisbane FC Inc.
  • All FFA, Football Queensland and Football Brisbane fees ($30 for senior men and women, $66 for juniors and $50 for Mini Roos)
  • Access to the FFA Insurance Scheme
  • Referee’s fees for all fixtures/finals and cup games
  • Supply of playing strip. You also get one pair of shorts and socks to keep.
  • Club polo for you to keep or second-hand playing strip as a training shirt
  • Access once a week to a qualified Physiotherapist to assess any injury and access to their clinic if follow-up treatment is required
  • Sports Trainer coverage on match day to assist with strapping, massage, injury management etc. (FQPL League teams only)
  • A customary post game snack at home games
  • Access to training facilities and all associated equipment twice a week for the duration of the season (once a week for Metro Division teams)
  • Access to highly competent coaches and their assistants for the duration of the season

Payment of Fees
North Brisbane FC recognises that for a number of our players, particularly university students, finding all the money up-front to pay fees can be quite a challenge. Consequently, anyone who is experiencing financial hardship, can apply to the Treasurer to enter into a payment plan. However, before any player will be allowed to play in a fixture match, they must have paid at least 50% of their fee and have a payment plan in place for the balance that is owed.

Please note that for senior players and Over 35s an additional fee of $30 is payable if full payment of fees is not received by the end of February 2022 (for example $520 if paid in full by the end of Feb and $550 after that date).

How to Register
All registrations are done online. Go to the Play Football website and click on register and nominate North Brisbane FC as your club. From there just follow the prompts. If you experience difficulties registering contact us via our Facebook page for further assistance.

How to Pay
Players can choose to pay through the FFA online Payment system. If doing so, you need to pay the entire amount upfront (noting late fees apply after the end of February 2022). Note that for the 2022 season, the credit card charge is 1.1% of the online payment. Any questions regarding registration fees and amounts please contact the club Treasurer. ]

Juniors/Mini-Roos also can pay through the online system - though with a later start payments need to be made in full prior to the first fixture. Fair Play Vouchers are also accepted as a means of payment.

A sibling discount of $50 applies to each successive child that plays.

We encourage all players - seniors, juniors and Mini-Roos to pay their fees online, unless you qualify for a loyalty, sibling or student discount or you wish to enter into a payment arrangement.

Players can also choose to pay their fees directly to the club. You can do this by choosing the “Pay Later to Club” feature when registering online and pay via the following options:

  • Direct Credit to club account. BSB: 064114; Account Number: 10252266 (Commbank)
  • EFTPOS at club (you can pay using your credit card under this option without any added fee).
  • Cash directly to club Treasurer.
  • For players who are looking to pay via an instalment plan or who qualify for a student or loyalty discount, you need to click on “Pay Later to Club” button.

There are two components of the registration fee. The governing body fee and a club fee for the balance.

North Brisbane FC, like other Football Brisbane clubs, does not generally provide refunds to players unless they request de-registration prior to playing a fixture match. In these cases, a refund of the club component of the fee will be given, less a $50 administration fee and a pre-season training/playing fee of $50 per month. If merchandise (polo, shorts and socks) have already been provided the player is required to return that merchandise or have a further $50 deducted to cover that cost.

The other component of a player’s registration fee is the governing body fee. For the 2022 year, that amount is $163 for Seniors, $80 for Juniors and $64 for Mini Roos. Note that refund of this component of the registration fee is done pursuant to the FQ Refund Policy, i.e. we as a club do not have any control over that. The Refund Policy for this component of the fee can be found on the Football Queensland website:

Football Queensland Refund Policy

While players may request a refund in exceptional circumstances, essentially the policy provides that once a player has participated in any form of pre-season training and/or games, they are not entitled to a refund of the governing body fees.

Where a player is allowed to pay in instalments, the full amount of the registration fee is owing once the player has played at least one fixture match. Where a player decides to cease playing before the full fee is paid, the balance is still owing and payment of the debt will be pursued if necessary (ultimately at the player’s cost) through QCAT.

For any refund enquiries please contact the club Treasurer.

Volunteering and Player Expectations
As a smaller club, we do not mandate volunteer levies or rosters. However, like other clubs, we are always in need of volunteers to cover a range of duties such as team managers, coaches, canteen, grounds, working bees, fundraisers etc.

The committee puts in a huge amount of volunteer work around the club but they can’t and shouldn’t always be the ones to do it all, especially with the increase in the expected number of teams for 2022.

No committee person gets paid a cent for their efforts - they do it to help the club and importantly keep player costs down. To help keep these costs down, we require every player/parent to contribute at least five hours of their time across the year. We will maintain a register of volunteers to ensure that everyone does their fair share.

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